Friday, March 6, 2009

Pussy. Money. Weed.

Pussy. Money. Weed. A philosophy on life or a universal guide to living. It seems Southern rapper Lil Wayne has happened upon the keys to contentment. Think about it: Pussy. Money. Weed. Now think about all the times you've been down/depressed in your adult life... see! It's nine times outta ten attributed to an absence of either pussy, money or weed (note: girls replace 'pussy' with 'dick', and those of you that do not smoke weed replace 'weed' with... 'dick' - haha - I mean, replace it with something you like).

Although the complete attainment of Lil Wayne's criteria is only really feasible for Young Weezy himself, the rest of us can look to this maxim and strive for self-betterment. If we as mere mortals can supply ourselves with just one of the aforementioned divinities, we are generally more content than with none and we stride onward with lighter feet. So perhaps when we reflect on philosophy in the times ahead we will not only see Nietzsche, Plato, Locke, Marx, etc., but also standing low in bagged-up jeans chest all a-puff flashing gold eyes thugging grills shining, there's your boi! Tha Carter I through III, Lil Wayne.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Link Culture

Do you remember when you were young? Or not so young perhaps, but coasting on the ebb and flow of life in those gloomy pre-internet days? Maybe it was 1995, or hell maybe it was even 1999, right before we achieved symbiosis with that faceless, yet beautiful ocean of information that is the internet. Anyway, I remember going to high school and chatting shit with my pals - sports, music, pop culture, girls, you name it - and more often than not there was a story to be told. Something like, "Hey did you see that new Britney video?? geez she's slamming!", or, "You guys read the paper today? That story about the guy who got his balls caught in a coke can??", and everyone would be like, "No I haven't! TELL ME ABOUT IT." Then would ensue the sacred (and somewhat lost) art of storytelling. Archaic. Flash foward ten or so years, "LINK ME!"

I love Link Culture. It's truly evolved our ability to share the most trivial pieces of information, and given us instant access to wonderfully hilarious/interesting/sad/disturbing stories, videos, pictures, songs, etc. It's become an art form to plumb the depths of the internet to retrieve and share these golden links. Like a miner shining the light on his cap into the pitch black, thousands of kilometres down the shaft, shovelling, picking, scraping at the dirt, we too shine our lights into the darkness, probing the immeasurable archival web.

Grab a pick-axe. LINK ME.

Now... have you ever seen former NBA great Charles Barkley swing a golf club? Here ya go: